The Population Well-being Lab attended SPSP 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia last month! This marked the lab’s first-in person SPSP and many of the lab members’ first in-person conference. We are so proud of our presenters!
First, Felix Cheung was one of the co-organizers of the Happiness and Well-being Preconference. We had Levi, Elizabeth, Sofia, and Anthony present their work in data blitz talks!

Caption: Felix Cheung and Milla Titova, the co-organizers of the Happiness and Well-being Preconference

Caption: Levi presented his work on the link between democratic backsliding and well-being

Caption: Elizabeth presented her work on the impact of the Euromaidan on Ukrainian well-being

Caption: Sofia presented her work on whether certain well-being profiles predict better well-being

Caption: Anthony presented his work on the link between allocation of government expenditure and well-being
Sofia also plugged a call for interventions in collaboration with the Intelligent Adaptive Interventions Lab to crowdsource interventions to improve short-term well-being. Five submissions will be accepted and implemented, and the submission form closes on March 23rd. Submissions from early-career and more seasoned researchers are welcome. Check out the website for more information:

Elisabetta, Karina, and Anthony presented their posters:

Caption: Elisabetta presented her work on global stress trends

Caption: Karina presented her work on the link between racial composition in the U.S. and well-being

Caption: Anthony presented his work on the link between allocation of government expenditure and well-being
Finally, Elizabeth chaired a symposium, “Promoting well-being through awe, mindfulness, intergenerational connections, and time use” and presented her work on how reallocating leisure time affects well-being

With many of us being foodies, we also happily explored the food scene in Atlanta and enjoyed Southern barbecue, ice cream, and Persian food!